Sunday, March 22, 2009


Fact of the week... or longer, since this continues to blow my mind...

A Blue Whale's heart is the same size as my Rupert.

So now, each time my not-so-small handsome hub and I are driving in my little car, I find my self thinking "Huh. We could be inside a chamber of a blue whale's heart..."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Holy wow, it was a birthday.

So, my birthday was last Friday (*gasp - Friday the 13th?!*), and on Saturday, my fab Running Girls threw me an amazing shindig to celebrate! We had mucho fun and food here at the house... too bad the weather didn't totally cooperate! But we got some great outdoor time in spite of the less-than-ideal conditions! Little brrrr, but fun, either way!

*The Running Girls - with the current youngest one.. not for long!*

All of my best girls were there....

*Catherine, Lisa, Kelli, Rachael and I (aren't they gorgeous?!)*

*You know with that look Genni and I are up to something...*

*Clarissa and I - SMU flashbacks!*

There was amazing grilling to be done while outdoor fun was being had... Dad brought the most awesome fajita meat!

*Dad and Owen have things under control here...*

*Court and Joey... or rather, the Sauce and the Cake*
(Gotta go to Velocity for that one!)

*Mike was looking down at the pool and after I took the previous picture, I yelled, "hey, Mike, look up!"... Well, you can see what he did!*

*Joey, my handsome hub, Chef Mark and the lovely Leslie*

*my goal in each picture was to have a different drink...*

A Birthday concert...

*TeamGeyer and the W Family after the best birthday concert ever*
(a seriously amazing metal rendition of the classic Happy Birthday to you)

*Chef Mark dedicated a song to Gizmo - all about Gizmo, for Gizmo*
(yes, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying in the background)

And, of course, what's a birthday without Society Bakery cake?! Super, amazing yumminess abounds!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Poor Rupert

I'm more than a little sad to post this... but someone had the audacity to write "TEST DIRT DO NOT REMOVE" on my cute little car, Rupert!

Ok, ok, I get the hint. Except now it's supposed to rain all week... Poor, dirty green car!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I heart March

Aside from the fact that March is my birthday month (who knew?!), it's my favorite month!

Spring is so close you can taste it....

It's sunshine-y out...

St. Patrick's Day is soon!

And things generally have that yummy, the-world-is-right smell to them!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Gizmo!!!

Oh! Our fur baby is 2! Well, this is the birthday we more or less estimated with out rad vet, Dr. Hogan. She rocks. And Gizmo loves her. It's a good thing to love your vet. :-) Maybe a puppy cake in the works for this girl...

Baby Giz... as my Dad still calls her... about 3 days after we adopted her

"Really, Mom, enough with that dang camera"

SuperGizmo to the rescue!!!