Monday, January 23, 2012

What the heck?!

The other day, my friend Chris went on a rant at his blog after hearing some shocking news.  No, it wasn't news of war, or death, or happy news, but something in the fashion industry that set him off.  What?!  The fashion industry?  Apparently, the fashion industry (no, I don't have a clue WHO specifically) declared that women over a size 6 are PLUS-SIZE.  Seriously.  Read the post here.  And in case that wasn't enough, check out the story from an editorial.


Yeah.  My thoughts exactly.  So, did you know that most models - the ones who (some, many, a LOT of) women look up to and attempt to look like - meet the criteria for anorexic body types.  Ouch.  I don't know about you, but I can't say that I would like to fall into that category.  Not that I particularly enjoy being labeled as plus-size, either, but still.  More on that to come, I'm sure.

Because he's a rockstar, Chris followed up on his blog post this past weekend at The Fittest Games in Austin with a video.  I think it speaks for itself:

So.  Important stuff.  What are you going to do to shift the paradigm?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I feel like the topic of judgment has come up a gazillion times this week already. 

Take, for example, this picture:

The Rolling Stones.  Cool guys, right?  In a lecture, the lecturer stated "I'm about the age now that these guys were when this was taken... and I surely don't look that bad"  Wow.  Holy Judgey Batman.  I wanted to ask him if he had half as much fun as these guys over the course of his life.  But, then I would have been judging.  And I'm trying to leave it up to the experts.  Whoever they happen to be.

What's that old proverb-y saying?  Oh, yeah, live and let live.  Be happy.  Be well.  Be open to different possibilities and different people.  Enjoy life. Don't be a Judgy MacJudgerson.

You know you Ninja around your house too!  ;-)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So, the sport of Crossfit has kind of taken over life in the W fam... this isn't really new, but it seems it's going mainstream!  Check out this Reebok ad from last weekend:

While there are mixed emotions (about the ad, about Reebok, about the 'sport of fitness') in our house, it's kind of cool to see something we've been busting our tails at for a couple of years out there! 

Maybe it's time for a home gym tour...  ;-)