So, we have a totally tiled and copinged (???) pool and spa now! Woohoo! And it looks amazing. Deck comes next (Monday - oh! Tomorrow!), then surface, and then the W family heads to New Hampshire for a week. But, wait, I'm getting way ahead of this educational week. Hmmm, let's see... Ok, we've covered concrete pouring. Weather. Yes, weather. In Texas, it isn't uncommon to go from 80 degrees on Sunday to a high of 34 on Wednesday. Really, I think it was a little more dramatic than that, but yes, it got freaking cold here. And icy. Who loves ice?! Oh, yes, we do. Court said it took them an hour to de-ice his plane Wednesday morning... an hour. Wow. So, I learned how that all works, too. Interesting google search, de-icing a plane. Huh. By the way, just in case you're dying to know, Gizmo does not love ice. Or cold. I think it has something to do with having no fat on her little furry self. And no shoes to wear when this mean mom makes her go outside. I know. It's horrible.
*You want me to WHAT?!*
Yes, so now we've learned what Gizmo doesn't like. I also learned that when one is pregnant, one not only gets crazy emotional, throws up, gets heartburn, but also could be provoked into screaming at a man twice her size to get out of his over-done truck and fight one. (For the record, no, this isn't personal experience - just one of my fantastic runner girls did this last week) As if we all need any more inspiration to become an incubator. I'm leaving that to Kelli and Deb! I can't wait to spoil their babies!!! That's not something I learned this week, but an on-going excited thing. Saturday might have been the highlight of the week though - I learned that in February 2010 (!!!) the W family is headed to Palau for 10 days of diving!!! I might just start counting down now. Seriously. And, not only is it 10 days of living on a gorgeous boat and diving with our favorite dive shop, but the owners, Patti and Brian, are leading that trip as well! I can barely sit still, I'm so excited already!!! In case you need an educational moment, Palau is located in Micronesia (as Genni puts it, a place where they have small Asians) in the South Pacific.

Wow - it'll be amazing!!!! I'm super stoked already! The last educational moments came last night (with heavy drinking involved) at Bob and Cindy's for fight night. Ok, maybe that wasn't educational, per se, but it was super fun. It's amazing what happens when you get pretty much all of the Velocity regulars together... I mean, no one looks the same when they aren't sweaty and getting the crud kicked out of them by our amazing coaches. :-) And, bonus, GSP won the fight - even though almost every guy in the place was going the other guy. See, the one who the girls like more is usually the winner. So, after that though, Saturday night was educational too. Court re-discovered that half Ace, half Shiner is a pretty delicious combo.
And, now, it's Super Bowl Sunday!!! Yay!!! Well, yay for the commercials, in any case! Enjoy the game - I can't believe I'm about to type this, but - Go Cards! :-)
Wow - it'll be amazing!!!! I'm super stoked already! The last educational moments came last night (with heavy drinking involved) at Bob and Cindy's for fight night. Ok, maybe that wasn't educational, per se, but it was super fun. It's amazing what happens when you get pretty much all of the Velocity regulars together... I mean, no one looks the same when they aren't sweaty and getting the crud kicked out of them by our amazing coaches. :-) And, bonus, GSP won the fight - even though almost every guy in the place was going the other guy. See, the one who the girls like more is usually the winner. So, after that though, Saturday night was educational too. Court re-discovered that half Ace, half Shiner is a pretty delicious combo.
And, now, it's Super Bowl Sunday!!! Yay!!! Well, yay for the commercials, in any case! Enjoy the game - I can't believe I'm about to type this, but - Go Cards! :-)
1 comment:
Whew, i am worn out just reading that. incubator...funny, I will have to remember that.
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