First up, we have a trip to the new Cowboys Stadium for the first Cowboys game to be held there (vs. the Tennessee Titans).
Of course, what would a Wuistinger outing be without a little drama? So, I had brought my dad's Nikon D40 to the game with us. I was all excited to get some good action photo's with this sweet new DSLR. So we get up to the gate, and we're told we can't bring it in. I fussed a little, but ended up having to walk all the way back to the car, drop it in, then head back in to the stadium. After we got to our seats, we talked to our section attendant (All Club level seats have their own section assigned ... uh... person for security and other things.) Her name was Diane and she was awesome, by the way. She informed us that our camera should have been a llowed in no problem. I went through a large spattering of WTF's with Jamie about it, but we ended up just saying, "forget it", and leaving the camera outside.
On our way out of the stadium, we caught an upper level security manager, told him the deal, and he had already written down the problem with cameras. Apparently, we weren't the first to complain. What had happened was the rules stated that no telescopic zoom lens (the big *ahem* and long lenses you see the professionals carrying around) were allowed. The people out front had misinterpreted this and thought that not even DSLR cameras and their smaller lenses weren't allowed either. Only cell phone cameras and point'n'shoots were allowed in. This will be ratified and not be a problem in the future. What this means though is I don't have any good pictures from inside the stadium. The place was spectacular and I can't rea lly show any of it right now. So you'll have to wait till next time for some really good pics. But I did get a few with my cell phone, so I'll post them below.
See in the picture above, the stairwell splits in a U around a portal that goes down to the field level suites (people who spend a lot of money to stare at the backs of media people I guess). So directly in fron of us there really isn't anybody. and because there's so few seats down here, people traffic was not a problem at all (I was hoping this was the case)! And next is a view across the field. The place is enormous!!!
That screen goes from the 20 to the 20, huge!
Like I said, I'll have much better pictures after the next game.
Now I'll tell you about the "stitches" part of this post. Jamie and I were out with Bob and Cindy Everson yesterday (Sunday), for some wakeboarding/wakesurfing fun! We had a blast! I'm waiting on most of the pics right now, but I'll show you the yummy parts that I DO have! But first, the story:
So I had gotten up on the surfboard and had begin reeling myself in closer to the boat. However, instead of rolling up the rope to throw it in, I had just let it and the handle dangle while I pulled myself in. This proved to be a bad decision. As I had just gotten up to a good spot to throw the rope in (my first time to try it), a nice little wake came in (the water was a little choppy that day) and the front of my board nosedived, and so I was going to fall. OK, no biggy, been falling all day. Unfortunately, the handle at the end of the rope had other ideas. It decided to fly up (still trying to figure this out) and nail me just between my eye and eyebrow. I felt a nice *crack* as it nailed me, and when I came up from the water, floating there, my left eye was seeing straight and my right was spinning all over the place. Everytime I blinked, the eye would just spin. When I got back to the boat, Bob was saying "Oh man, your bleeding!" Sure enough, I had a nice little gash on my eyelid. Long story short, ended up going to a CareNow center after we got the boat put away, and I ended up getting 3 stitches. So, if you look down, I've posted two pictures of my eye. The first is from yesterday after getting back home, and the second is from today. Enjoy!
Monday, pretty!
See you next time on Husband Hijack!
Hey Courtney, I think you went a little heavy on the eyeliner.
I got Bob some "affliction" banana hammocks. Watch out! You're thinking about it aren't you?
Hahaha, I'd buy one... But only Affliction
Very glam rock. Didn't know that "Ziggy Stardust" was your style, but hey- to each their own.
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