So, the other day at school we had a foodie-type discussion and the topic of things people will not eat came up. And, of course, I got the looks when I said I don't eat red meat. I mean, we are in Texas after all, no? And I don't eat the national food. Oh well.
Then today, I stumble across this post at slashfood. Foods celebrity chefs won't touch. Which is rounded out by this, from the author:
"As for this writer? Red meat is just not for me; the taste, the texture -- it's all unappealing to me. I didn't like it even as a kid, and stopped eating it altogether when I was 12. Strangely, I don't mind cooking it for others, but other than bacon, which is closer to potato chips than meat in my mind, red meat is off the list."
I think I have a way to describe why I let eveyone else have my share of cows! :-) So awesome.
You didn't think I wasn't going to post our funny furbaby, did you? Of course not!
This was the best I could snap... Princess Gizmo was way more interested in shaking her baby to death than sitting still for a picture! ;-)
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