Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Ooooo, it's the last day off before going back to work... talk about a nice lazy day! We were busybusybusy yesterday getting everything done around the house, so today was read the paper, take Gizmo for a family walk, and watch football - interspersed with Court playing one of the many games he got from Santa. Such a nice day...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Wow - how is it already Christmas Eve?! Where did the week go? Things have been more than crazy around here - Court's mom and Mark were in town for the weekend, we had Christmas dinner at our house on Sunday, finished shopping and wrapping, oh my!

Mission turkey: accomplished. And quite tastily, I might add. And it wasn't as scary as I had imagined either. I was freakin' out about it - even though a turkey is just a bigger chicken, right? Oy. Well, Sunday started off with Bob the Turkey and I getting friendly - including the naked turkey dance (Bob, not me, naked!) and Court cracking up yet strangely horrified as I made Bob dance around the kitchen. Then I had a moment that would have made Paula Deen proud - I sure did rub my bird all over with butter. Again - slightly horrified husband in the room. But, Bob roasted up nicely and almost all 16 lb of him were consumed - yummy!

We're about to be on our way to MeeMaw and Papa's house for more turkey. Then it's back to Larry's and then church with my family. And then presents! Yay! I can't wait to see everyone open their gifts - I think I have more fun watching people open what we got them than opening my own. Especially since I don't deserve anything! I've got a fantastic family that ar emore than enough of a gift.

Happy Christmas to you!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

And so it begins...

Construction - Day 1!!!!

That's a hole in the ground...

When we left for work this morning, we had a full pool deck and water and everything that goes with the typical pool... this is what I came home to:

Isn't it amazing what they can do in a day?! I'm so excited about all of this!!! Seriously. Plan to come to us this spring for a great bash! :-) My friend Rachael designed the remodel - and it's amazing! Stay tuned for more construction updates - this crew is supe awesome and fast!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Trivia Thursday!

Happy National Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day!!!

A baby beaver is called a kit.

Today in 1976, Wonder Woman debuted on ABC... Yeah, she's awesome

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the house got tense...

Oooooo, how often do we get to have a good college rivalry going?! Other than us trying to one-up each other, we mainly hang with the Ponies. But last night was a rare occasion and we got to see Dartmouth play SMU in women's baskteball! Talk about awesome! Well, there was the normal trash talking leading up to the game - even my dad and Larry got in the mix! It was a GREAT night - a great night to be a Mustang, anyway! No, seriously, even though SMU won, it was a great game and super close until the end. There were a TON of green shirts in Moody last night! Check out our mixed crowd....

So much fun!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ahhh, the Monday after...

*before the madness that was White Rock Marathon 2008*

Wow - isn't Court the sweetest?! He sure was out with me all yesterday at White Rock. Well, not with me, but totally popped up in a gazillion spots to cheer and support! He really is just the best husband! Even endures my *gasp* terrible language mid-way through a race and doesn't lecture about pain! No way, no terrible words ever come out of this girl's mouth... unless she's running a hot and windy and painful marathon! It seriously was windy and hot yesterday. But, that clears number 6! And yes, you'll soon get to see the picture I had taken of me holding my finisher's medal with 6 fingers up. Since I know you're stressed about seeing it! But, all in all, it's done and completed. And things like that make me realize how grateful I am to have such a loving and supportive family around me. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such love.

Then it was off to the Cowboy game after that! Heck yeah, we all hobbled down the steps to our seats for an awesome game. Pictures to be added soon - Joey's got them! :-) (maybe that's a hint...Joey!!!)

Don't scroll down if you're squeamish... marathon casualty below!!! This is the first blister I've EVER gotten running... I think it's a sign. Yuck!

*Ummm, yeah, that's a blister or two*

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tick, tock, tick ,tock

Wow - White Rock is 14 hours away and I'm NERVOUS. Seriously. This is insane, I keep telling myself. Court keeps reminding me that I've done this before. I know, I know, but...

Ach! I'm driving myself nuts! And, think, this time tomorrow, I'll be hobbling to seats in Texas Stadium for the last Cowboys game I'll get to go to there! Kathy and Mark are headed to town next weekend for the last game EVER there.

Thinking happy thoughts now... Happy, chilly thoughts... :-)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ok, so not the greatest shot, but here's our gingerbread house with the lights we put up after Thnaksgiving. Come by and see! The wind played with the icicles all day today - temps have dropped 30 degrees since we went to work this morning... brrrrr! It's crazy and there's possible snow tonight! Yikes!

Wouldn't it be nice if the weather stayed this cool for Sunday's White Rock Marathon?! Oh, yeah, baby. But, thus far, Mother Nature and I are back at odds - predicted weather is 59 / 74. Oh, boy. Fun warm marathon running. So the marathon is Sunday morning, this will be #6. If you're interested (which I'm not even sure I am!), there's a runner tracking thing you can sign up for at Either way - do a chilly weather dance for me, please!

I'm sure more will come about WRM, but in the mean time, stay warm!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Yay - we're blogging!

Well, Gizmo loves yogurt for sure! Yes, that's our fur baby, Gizmo, who's a riot.

Yup, the W family has joined the rest of the world! :-) I'm sure Gizmo will give plenty of great things for us to post... More to come, I'm sure!